Together with many colleagues, I have worked for several years on the agent-based control system Production 2000+, which was deployed on a Daimler shop floor in Stuttgart, Germany. The Production 2000+ system has a lot of technical advantages over existing manufacturing control systems, as discussed in the introduction of Production 2000+ and in the section about the performance test. Despite these advantages, however, the system was only operated for about five years and never experienced a wide-spread adoption within Daimler or externally. This is partly due to the agent-based approach, which I explain here.
On this web page, you can find the following information about agents:
What are agents?
Here I present my understanding of what an agent is.
Designing agents
Here I discuss my past work on designing agents, which was mainly my PhD.
Agent-based manufacturing
This part discusses application domain of manufacturing control and the gives a (very) short overview of the initial
applications in this domain.
Production 2000+
This part describes the agent-based control system developed for the production system Production 2000+, which was
installed and operated at Daimler. This part also discusses the lessons
learned from this project.
This web page lists the literature that is referred to in the other web pages on agents.
This web page lists all of my publications on agents.