This is my private homepage. This site contains some private information about me and my publications on software agents.
For several years I have done research on software agents. Software agents are software programs, which are able to autonomously make decisions and co-operate with other software agents.
My research has focused on applications of software agents in production control. In particular, I have participated in the development of the production control system "Production 2000+", which was successfully put into operation by Daimler in 1999. An overview of the system is given in [Schild 2007] and [Sundermeyer 2001], a theoretical discussion of the algorithms in [Bussmann 2000].
More information about my agent research can be found here. You can also find a list of my publications and in particular an abstract about my PhD here.
Job change.
The design of the website was completely overhauled. So far, the content has not changed.